what should i add to my tank?

What to add?

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Joel A

Started over.
Alright... well i have 3 fish in my tank, and they are all under 2". Needless to say i overfeed like hell just to see my oversized skimmer do some work. Good for growing corals i suppose, but i want to add something (or a few things) to my tank so there is more of an activity level than 2 clowns and a really small damsel.

I'm going to attach a poll to see what everyone else thinks i should do..

keep in mind i have a lot of ideas on what to add, and some of them are not conventional reef fish...
i thought you were "supposed" to have better luck if you introduced them together in larger numbers?
the moray would take care of your other fish and then you would be down to him and him only...........:p think wrasse.....
no no no silly. Do your reading. The only thing i would have to worry about with the moray is maybe a shrimp or hermits. That specific species is no harm to fish or corals.

Only thing i'm worried about with it is sheer size.
i say go with a wrasse, loved mine, espcially when he flashed his colors.

too bad he jumped 2 nights ago... so make sure if you get one the tank is completly covered.
i say go with a wrasse, loved mine, espcially when he flashed his colors.

too bad he jumped 2 nights ago... so make sure if you get one the tank is completly covered.

That right there is a major drawback to wrasses if you ask me... i would hate to have to cover my tank.
i have egg crate on mine, which im gonna replace with the black stuff for a cleaner look. just sits right in place and is perfectly flush with the top of the tank.

had it off for a hang on frag rank for a few days and that happened... live and learn i guess.
I Disagree, currently my 70 gallon tank houses 5 Bangaiis and a lonesome Pajama Cardinal with no stress.

I have also kept groups of Cardinals in previous tanks with no issue.

yeah, it really seems to be a hit or miss thing with them... some say that they always fight, and others say that they live together peacefully no problem.

i was thinking a group of 5-7 or so...

but to be honest i'm not really sure what i want to do yet...

it's tough, because i don't want to make a dumb purchase that i will regret, but i also want something exciting, active, and not commonly seen in everyone's reef tank.
i vote for the Kole tang... OR... a pair of scotts fairy wrasses.

ever consider a pygmy angel? flame maybe?
yeah, it really seems to be a hit or miss thing with them... some say that they always fight, and others say that they live together peacefully no problem.

i was thinking a group of 5-7 or so...

but to be honest i'm not really sure what i want to do yet...

it's tough, because i don't want to make a dumb purchase that i will regret, but i also want something exciting, active, and not commonly seen in everyone's reef tank.

It's good that you're taking your time with your choice of fish, look around, there are lots of interesting fish out there, IMO, fish selection is personal preference and all that matters is that you like your choice.

I've always been partial to all types of wrasse, the Scott's would not be a bad choice, whatever you choose good luck.
Group of bangaii cardinal fish (5+)
I don't know enough about these to comment. I like them and they will certainly fit in your tank, but others say groups will kill off individuals.
Group of lyretail anthias (5+, 1 male, 4 females?)
If you don't want to cover your tank, then avoid these. I love my Lyretail Antias, but these are hands down much bigger jumpers than any wrasse. Also, Anthias are very active fish, and probably need a bigger space than 75gal. They are fascinating fish, though, and if you were to do it, you would want to buy all females. Don't try with a male and a group of females. Buy all females and let nature take its course.
Yellow tang (nice looking, but everyone has one)
I cannot think of a hardier tang with more color and a better temperment. It's no wonder lots of people own them. A 75's a little on the small side for long-term considerations, but it would likely be cool for a long time, if not its whole life.
Yellow kole eyed tang (cool fish, smaller sized, good grazer)
All that is true, and along with the yellow, one of the few tangs that does well in a 75.
Zebra moray eel(to big for a 75 gallon?)
I don't know if they get too big, and how fast. They are no danger to fish as reported above. Like all eels, though, they are amazing escape artists, and you would not only need to cover your tank, but cover it very securely.
Juvy French angelfish (yes i know it's not usually done)
Not reef safe by any means. Beautiful as cute juveniles, but these fish reach enormous proportions. This would definitely outgrow your 75, and you'd have to find a new home for it. I don't advocate taking these fish from the wild unless you can house it for its life or you are certain you can secure a safe home for it once it outgrows your tank.
Saragassum (red tail) triggerfish
I've never kept one, but while researching them, I did learn that they too grow very large, and take to confinement very poorly (they need lots of swimming room). Keeping one in too small a tank apparently corresponds well to destructive behavior. Also, all crustaceans are goners, but they are pretty reef safe.
Juvy emperor angel (i know they get big..)
Like the French Angel, these do get big (although nowhere nearly as enormous). They are also not reef safe, but people have had some success with them short-term in reefs with respect to certain corals.
Group of Dragonface pipefish (kind of cool, but not that active?)
I've never kept these and don't know anything about them, although if these pipefish are like other pipefishes, they really need a special setup akin to seahorses.
Scott's fairy wrasse (hopefully a pair if i could find one)
Wrasses are excellent fish for tanks that size. Wrasse photograph poorly (they are better in real life), and I would look at all sorts of reef safe wrasses. Of course, you would need to provide some guard against jumping.

thanks for all of the input guys.

Mr. HaHa- i have thought about it, and the flame angels do have really nice coloration.. it's doable for sure.

Jackthereefer- I agree that fish selection is mostly personal preference, that said though i wanted some other peoples opinions on these things, because a few of what i listed (larger angels, eels, pipefish) are not very commonly seen in reef aquariums.

Matt-I agree with everything you said, and it's nice to be told "no" on fish sometimes (like the french angel).

I'm headed to skiptons tomorrow, maybe i'll get something there, who knows...
...Matt-I agree with everything you said, and it's nice to be told "no" on fish sometimes (like the french angel)...
I don't think I was really saying "no", I was just giving advice. If you wanted to do FO(WLR) or were willing to buy a 180 or larger, than I would say it's an acceptable choice.

You should read my posts over on RC. All Steve Norvich and I do is say "no" to people. People here are far more experienced than the general RC population, and far less stubborn/more amenable to advice.

What type of reef do you plan on keeping? I would go to Skiptons for a look, but I think there are many other attractive fish you might be missing.

oh there def. are other fish i am missing on that list, it was just things that came to mind.

I know the angelfish is not an ideal situation, that's why i don't own one already, i just think the juvys look really nice that's why i threw it on the list... same with the emperor.

It's a mixed reef really... no clams so i wouldn't have to worry about in angel in that sense..

any suggestions on what you'd put on the list?

for whatever reason i'm enthralled with things that i CAN'T have... i had a FOWLR and could've had an angel and agressive fish, but i wanted a reef, now i have a reef, and i want big aggressive (yet colorful) fish lol.

I'm just searching for a combination that is not commonly seen. If you've seen one reef tank with a "finding nemo" theme, you've seen them all lol.. i'd like to try something different than the standard clowns, yellow/blue tang, chromis, etc. etc.
as an FYI, the flame angel I had SHREDDED my LPS.....an absolute terror. mine was not even close to reef safe...but they vary...I just had an exceptionally bad one.

Can't compare the beautiful color it added to the tank...the problem was I was often the same color watching it shred coral after coral.....
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