General starter questions regarding a 29 gal bio cube


Hey everyone,

This is my first post so hello to everyone. I recently just started an oceanic 29 gal reef biocube.

I was wondering how many and what kind of fish I can keep in the tank? Any best practice suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Welcome!'ll get a lot of suggestions from here ;).Best thing is to take it slow,nothing happens in a reef tank fast.How many fish depends on size,amount of food required for an individual and such.
Ah. Thanks!

Yea, I finally got a 29 gal after like 5 - 7 months of research plus patience. hah! But would still like all the reefers suggestions, as they will be first hand experiences.

I know that fish like Tangs are not meant for 29 gal tanks cuz they out grow in like 6 months or so. Any other fish like that i shouldn't put in a 29 gal?
Honestly - IMO most fish are not suitable for your tank size. Look into some of the gobies and nano-sized fish. Anything with beyond a minimal level of activity is going to get frustrated and stressed in your tank.
What about tank raised fish? I have talked to a few people that said Tank raised fish should be perfectly suitable. as in Angels, Clowns and such?

So your saying I shouldn't go for them?
clown are fine, as long as you dont keep more than a couple. Angels get a little big to be comfortable. Gobies and blennys make excellent choices for a biocube, but you are not limited to them.
Yea I wasn't gonna have more than maybe 4 fish anyways. I think even that might be pushing it.

I dont want to put any fish in there that might become bigger for the environment or are not meant for such space.

Thanks everyone for the advice!
did you get the 29 HQI biocube?

i have one purple fire fish, and 2 semi picasso clowns. all are very happy. also some inverts. im looking to get one more fish, not sure what yet tho.

what do you plan to run for equiptment?(power heads, heater, etc.?)
clown are fine, as long as you dont keep more than a couple. Angels get a little big to be comfortable. Gobies and blennys make excellent choices for a biocube, but you are not limited to them.

Not the full sized angels, but I'm sure a dwarf angel of some sort would be fine in a 30. Cherub, flameback and flame angels are all great examples of smaller dwarf angels. Even though they would be fine in a 29, I wouldnt suggest them as a starter fish. You could look into hector's goby's, rainford's goby, maybe a pistol-goby pair and if you're not a fan of goby's, most blennies will fit in a 29 as well

Welcome to BRS btw :)
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What about tank raised fish? I have talked to a few people that said Tank raised fish should be perfectly suitable. as in Angels, Clowns and such?

So your saying I shouldn't go for them?

Just because a fish was born and raised in a tank doesn't mean that the process has undone countless millenia of evolution which left them specifically developed and accostomed to having space to swim.

You could get away with clowns (dpending on species), but know that you're not really providing a quality home for them. I.E a large maroon clown would be pissed in a tank that small. Don't even think about angels, tangs, or wrasses.
did you get the 29 HQI biocube?

i have one purple fire fish, and 2 semi picasso clowns. all are very happy. also some inverts. im looking to get one more fish, not sure what yet tho.

what do you plan to run for equiptment?(power heads, heater, etc.?)

Nah I did not get the HQI BioCube...that baby is too pricey for my range. I have the Hydor Koralia Nano Circulation Pump/Powerhead and a heater that i picked up from LFS. Also have the Oceanic 29 Gal Protein Skimmer in place. I do want to try to replace the lights into MetalHalide if possible but I will have to further research that and it would be a project in the future.

Just because a fish was born and raised in a tank doesn't mean that the process has undone countless millenia of evolution which left them specifically developed and accostomed to having space to swim.

You could get away with clowns (dpending on species), but know that you're not really providing a quality home for them. I.E a large maroon clown would be pissed in a tank that small. Don't even think about angels, tangs, or wrasses.

I dont want to get any fish where I will not be able to provide a quality home for them. Hence I will stick with the ones that are perfectly fine with a 29 gal tank. Hopefully in less than a year I wish to expand and start either a 90 or a 120 gallon reef.
My 29

Midas Blenny
2x Occelaris Clowns
1x 6-line Wrasse
Some corals (frogspawn, hammer, various zoas/palys, ricordia, and xenia)
RBTA(anemone) *I'd skip the anemone for now. I REALLY like mine, but they can be a pain if they move around. They can grow big.. and sting your other corals. I am dealing with that now :)

The Midas is an awesome fish. The clowns are great too. The wrasse.. he isn't a problem at all, but just darts about and doesn't hang out anywhere too long. He flees when he sees me... but slowly.. he seems to be friendlier during feeding time. I'd skip getting a 6-line if I were you. Others also gave great suggestions above.

FYI - Jays got a few Midas in recently :)
In mine, I had a False Perc, Royal Gramma, Six-Line wrasse, and a fire fish. All got along fine.
Nah I did not get the HQI BioCube...that baby is too pricey for my range. I have the Hydor Koralia Nano Circulation Pump/Powerhead and a heater that i picked up from LFS. Also have the Oceanic 29 Gal Protein Skimmer in place. I do want to try to replace the lights into MetalHalide if possible but I will have to further research that and it would be a project in the future.

Instead of the Halides look into the LED kit from Nanotuners. Much less heat and really not that costly considering less heat and less electric. In my Biocube I had a pair of Onyx clowns, lawn mower blenny and a purple firefish. I was even able to keep an RBTA under the stock Biocube lights along with alot of other corals.
Thanks everyone for all the helpful suggestions. I will look into the LED kit from Nanotuners and see if that would be the right fit for me. Tank so far is doing great. I have 2 Occelaris Clowns, 1 firefish so far. I am looking into getting a blenny or a wrasse. Still debating on which to get. I think 4 - 5 fish at most is enough for the tank.
If you're good with a soldering iron I got my heatsink from nanotuners and my leds and drivers from and built t myself. Much cheaper.
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