
  1. KJB

    AI 16HD Led for 29 biocube???

    Since getting out back in 2010 so much has changed and so much has stayed the same. LED was all the rage... Halogen and T5 defended their existence... It looks like things have landed on T5 LED mix is best.. I'll check in again in 10 years to see how everyones Phoenix 14000K is doing... lol I...
  2. D

    Epic Elegance

    At least it’s epic to me. picked her up for $60 two years back and she’s quietly grown in my now defunct clown harem. Now sits as the centerpiece of a biocube. Behold, her majesty.
  3. B

    Welcome! - stocking a beginner Nano reef

    Hey all! If you can't tell my the title, I'm new here. I've was looking around the web for local reef keepers that may be able to assist me! I'm looking for advice, tips, tricks, frag leads, and a community to which can ask questions - and maybe answer some. Through trial and error, self...
  4. cstacks

    4 month old biocube minor issues

    Hey all, I am new to keeping a reef tank and this group wondering if anyone has some suggestions to help improve my 32 gallon led biocube. I have been really enjoying it and have seem to be doing an ok job with keeping up with maintenance and keeping levels decently in check. An issue I've...