55gal Fish only advice


That's Mr.Murphy to you!
I have a friend that wants to convert a 55g fresh water tank to a saltwater fish only tank. He is leaning towards purchasing a wet/dry filter and is looking to me to give him some advice. While I've had some good experience with reef tanks I know very little about fish only setups. Can someone offer some advice on these setups or point me to a place I can do some extra research for him?

you still want to keep nitrates and phospahtes down in s FO tank, to prevent algae/cyano outbreaks.....
you still want to keep nitrates and phospahtes down in s FO tank, to prevent algae/cyano outbreaks.....

I was thinking the same thing.

Have your friend throw some live rock in there too. Looks good, and has copepods & amphipods the fish will like. Sand + live rock = filtration. Get a protein skimmer to take out gunk.

Then add fish. Presto! FOWLR.
Thanks. He's asking me all sorts of questions about wet/dry filters and I know nothing. I've never kept a FO. If I were going to keep a fish tank it would be a FOWLR. Anyone know what the significance of gph in a wet/dry? Is there a point that you have a wet/dry that is too big for a system?
The big thing in a wet dry is the bioballs convert the ammonia from the higher feeding level to nitrates. Bad news in a reef tank, but fish are more tolerant of nitrates, so fish only tanks generally can have hioigher nitrate levels. IMO, wet/dry filters are old school salt water technology. Like Moe said, LR, LS and maybe a remote DSB to keep nitrates in check. Add a skimmer, do water changes, call it a tank......
Remote anything and drilling are definitely out of the question. This person just bought a 55gal freshwater setup from his roommate and wants to turn it into a saltwater fish tank. He's looking for something to buy and connect to the tank and for it to work. If it were a close friend I'd tell him he's an idiot but since it's a friend of a friend I feel I should at least *try* to steer him in a better direction than maybe a lfs looking to cash in on a sale.

Is anyone here keeping a FO without live rock? Is anyone using a wet/dry that can make some recommendations?
Well,if he's looking for presto...chango....here's my fish tank he's wasting his time.Even with a wet dry system you have to wait for the cycle to complete and "good" bacteria to inhabit the surface of the bioballs.Sounds like your friend's friend is already due for failure.First thing everyone seems to learn,one way or another is patience.I know I did.
I commend you dedfish for helping this person out.I don't think I would have the patience.lol