acan question


well the acans in my tank are finally really starting to grow some heads. one of them is starting to outgrow the frag plug. what is the best surface to put the acans on? i just want them to be able to spread out and look good like the large colonies i see at the lfs. i was wondering if i just got 5 or 6 flat rocks or maybe even quohog shells if that would work. its so cool to finally see some things grow in the tank. one of them has like 6 or 7 heads on it growing. these are the guys i bought at brass so i'm pretty excited.
If you put rock or shells they will cover it
I like to leave mine In the sand to get that dome look
does it take much longer for them to grow in the sand? i know they have to build new skeleton for themselves in the sand i just don't know how long that can take. one of them has no room left on the skeleton its on and no room on the plug so i just wan't sure how it would grow.
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