Advantages of Going Bare Bottom?

this can kick up some dirt man. your better off doing a search on here or on rc. its an opinionated issue.
no sandstorms or issues with dirty sandbeds are the pros. if you go this route be sure to have lots and lots of flow in your tank to keep fish poo and extra food off the bottom of the tank and in the water column. i would also recommend painting the bottom of the tank. another option is that you could go with a small sand bed, about 1/2 an inch.
Most people using the BB method are going for an extremely nutrient poor system. More often then not, they are also SPS junikies.

Personally, I hate the look of BB.
ITS all you opinion and taste. But like they said do some research and it all comes down to what you want to keep and like.
no sandstorms or issues with dirty sandbeds are the pros.

Thats only an issue if you have a 'dirty' sandbed.

I really want to put to rest that "you need BB to run high flow" crap. I run well over 100x turnover, and have a sandbed, and no sandstorm issues.
sorry, i should have specified the dirty sandbed comment. this is usually if you do not have cleanup critters, an established sandbed with lots of critters, etc.

i agree that BB is not necessary for high flow. it is just a matter of positioning your powerheads, returns, and pumps so that they are not inadvertently having the flow directed to the sandbed.
I know of one DIS-advantage of a BB tank, i can not keep carpet anemones :D

And as the name suggested, Pinkskunk loves anemones :D
I just decided to get rid of my sand bed last week. Mine was more out of risk of disturbing something one of the 4 times I have to move it a year. But now that I have removed it I am seeing some amazing colours in my corals.