Aiptasia Eating Berghia Nudibranches

Oh good. The guy was nice enough to PM after all this time, so I figured I'd "throw him a bone" and mention it here.
no there $15.00 each plus shipping

I just email the guy to see if we can get a group buy price
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gotta love inflation...any chance the group buy will get us a better price or just better shipping?
The Berghia Nudibranches will starve and die once the aiptasia is gone.

Is anyone considering culturing some aiptasia to feed them with? Or, maybe the Berghia could be shared within the club so at least they have a fighting chance to live their natural lifespan?
littlep93056. let me know when you have them ready, gotta few aptasia i need them to polish off.
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June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
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