Anyone have black PVC? has always been good to me. (Grey PVC, not actually black)
Thanks, Ed. I get all of my stuff through Savko... I didn't even think of them. Tank brain. My head feels like a coral!
if you feel like comin down to wellesley i have about 10 feet of black 1" pvc and i have some elbows, bushings etc.

i will not be able to make the meeting on sat just to let you know.
I remembered hearing somewhere that jury was out on some of the black PVC leaching, so I ended up using Krylon Fusion black paint on my PVC that was inside the tank for my closed loop.

I copied the idea from Steve McNally, so I can't take credit for it, but it's worked really well. It was about $7 for the can, and I picked it up at Sherwin Williams.
I just painted some pvc for my over the top closed loop. Looks great. I'd post some pics but the black pvc blends into the black background to much for you to see anything in the picture.