Anyone keep a red coris wrasse in a reef tank?


So I'm currently keeping one in my tank and was wondering if and what problems other reefers have had with them. He's a gorgeous specimen that will need to go eventually because of size down the road but he has been a model citizen so far.

I'll try to get a picture up tomorrow.
I had a younger one years ago that would hill any type of snail, shrimp, or crab I put in the tank. He was still a juvanile but just starting to get the adult coloration.
Mine has the adult coloration and haven't bothered my snails (fingers crossed) and currently dont't have any hermits but he has been hunting down pods like crazy. There's now way my mandarin can compete with that but at least they both take to prepared foods.

Did yours take out all your snails?
Took out a good portion of snails. As far as pods, I have never had a wrasse that hasn't put a dent in the population and have had probably 20 or so over the years.
Nick387 has an adult in his system... (or had one for at least 3 or 4 years) I love those, Anthony...I remember when those were imposible to keep in a salt water fish only....they would usually starve to death..I got a couple adults... they both didn't last more than 3 months....(that was about 15 plus years ago) back then the only way to get them to acclimate to a closed system & feed on prepared food as suplimental was getting them as juvi's...BTW...tried that a couple times too!!! I never had any luck in my swfo...

Good luck...& BTW...beers coming next week!!! ;)