Aqualife ro water system question Or another to replace ours


So we wanted to change the filters on this system that we have to make sure this isn't what is causing our tank to crash. We can't get the blue tops off. the wrench we have does not fit over the top. I have tried everything I can think of (except breaking it) to get these tops off to replace the filters. We have no idea what we are doing wrong to get this open. Here is a video of the one we have.
Ours is the one on the right. if anyone else has used these and knows how to open that would be great but if not then I will be forced to by a new one and if anyone has any suggestions for that as well we would like to hear them.
Thanks for your time.
Stephen & Sarah
Can you use something like an oil filter wrench? They look like strap wrenches.
Yeah the wrench doesn't fit correctly. It's the only replacement one that I have been able to find and the ones at Home Depot don't work correctly to hold it
Maybe try tightening a 1/4 turn then loosening??
With a wrench that fits try adding a pipe over the handle to extend your force??
Have you tried a big pair of Channel Locks?
Amazon has a large selection of "unique application" tools.