Are Peppermint Shrimp Shy?


why why why
I bought 3 and hadn't seen two of them in days. Then last night I saw two on one side of the tank, and one on the other, so I know they are alive.

Just curious if they are usually shy, or nightfeeders or something?
If you had left your mantis in the tank, he probably would have found them for you. ;)

And Mike at Aqua Addicts found us a cool green mantis. We're going to look at it tonight! Yay!

sometimes they are shy. Mine are actually out most of the time now that they've been around for quite a while. They hang out in the entrance to a cave checking everyone out, waiting for me to feed the tank.

If you want to see yours more active, take a look with a red flashlight at night. You could even drop in some sinking pellets after lights out, and I'll bet they'd be all over them.

Melody, I went up to AA the other day, that place is nice.

Nate, thanks for the tip, I think I will invest in some moonlights soon...
oh, I tried dropping in some sinking shrimp pellets in the tank, before the shrimp could even come out the serpent star was all over them, that was really cool to watch