ATI Sunpower VS Giesemann Matrixx II (Non-dimmable)


Hello All,

Does anyone here have any experience with these 2 lights? I'm getting ready to start a new build and I want to use T5 lighting (Non-dimmable). I really like the look of the Giesemann Matrixx II, but looks arent everything and at the end of the day I just want a light that performs well.

Anyone care to share their opinions?

Got LEDs now. They are nice but I really like the look of the T5. the color you and growth you get are just better in my opinion plus I think less is more in the case of reef little and I like to keep it simpler.
I just switched from LEDs to an 8x24 ATI non-dimmable and I love it. My corals look so much better and are coloring up nicely and more vivid than with LEDs.
this is amazing, I am now starting to see more and more people going with T5 than LED.
I am now using T5 and my backup light is also T5/MH

Long live T5,Hasta la vista LED
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Thats exactly why I want to switch. What LEDs were you running?

I was using a Radion gen3 pro. It was always either too strong or I just didn't get the right colors. Even at running it at 40-50% I still felt that it was too much. I spend more money on bleached corals that'll I'll spend on replacing bulbs. Even watt-wise, the Radion with the fan always running, it was pulling around 180 watts(30watts at night with just the fan on). The ATI is pulling around 200 with the fan only running when the bulbs are on.

I'm definitely sticking with T5 from now on. The only thing o definitely miss is the shimmer which T5 do not have.
With enough surface aggitation you can get shiner with t5 , last night my chiller came on with my halides so I am going to be switching to t5 too . Halides are great but the heat will be too much in summer
I run hydra mixed with t5 retrofit from miro. Addition of t5 almost doubled alk consumption and removed perenial stn problems from shading
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