Best blenny for algae


Hi everyone

I've read that lawnmower blennys are great with algae. But they look a little too "bland" for my taste. Are there any other blennys that help as much as a lawnmower?

(55 gallon, with corals)

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Yeah, I've seen them get lazy too. Depends on their personality I think.
I'm persian :)
nice man! we're neighbors (kinda) haha
no experience with either of those, but the first one looks cooler imo
Despite it's bland appearance my lawnmower blenny is my favorite fish by far. Lot's of personality and fun to watch.
I prefer the looks of a starry but Ive had both at the same time in different tanks on the same system. Hands down the lawnmower preformed better at cleaning duties.
I've only kept lawnmower and molly miller blennies and all have had great personalities and faces only a mother would love :p. From my experience, they both graze constantly and will greet you when you come closer to the tank. I like the molly millers because they're known to eat aiptasia as well.