Best Time of the Day to Add New Fish to the Aquarium?


What is the Best Time to add new fish to the aquarium? Day, Night, Right Before Feeding Time, Late Evening, etc.? is there any found rule on this. Im introducing my Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) and some PJ Cardinals (Sphaeramia nematoptera) to my 200+ tank.

Its is a Reef Aquarium, matured tank. Stocked with Sailfin Tang, Engineer Goby, Paired Clowns, Flame Angle, Mandarin Goby, and 4 chromis. 75 Sump/Refugium. Diablo Skimmer, Tunze Pump, 1 Radion LEd and 1 AI ( which i will be selling to get my second Radion. All Water Parameters are good, and i do water changes every other week.
I like adding mine after the lights go out and the other fish are " sleeping " that way he can go find a spot for the night and relax without being bothered to much
I would add them when it's convenient for you.
So you can observe the tank and watch for any major conflicts.
I used to always shut the lights down and just go with actinics for at least an hour.
Thanks for the feedback. Just want to make sure the least amount of stress possible to the fish as you all know how expensive these purple tangs can be.
For the least stress I would say at night (lights out). Fish go into a dormant state at night which usually prevents any aggression between current and new residents. Gives the fish a solid period to relax and acclimate a bit before dealing with social issues. JMO
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