BTA questions...

Your BTA will sting any coral it comes in contact with. They eat pretty much anything meaty. I give mine krill or silversides and brine/mysis. Your clowns will typicaly bring food into the anenome also.
been in there a few days, and the clowns haven't been near it yet

ok, so I have to move the perverted devils hand....
ya. the 2nd day i had mine it moved right up into the middle of large xenia colony. had to cut it out of a deep hole within the rock as it didn't seem like it was going to be leaving there anytime soon..only lost 2 xenia stocks.
i moved it to the bottom of the tank and it has been hanging out on a rock down there. i feed it krill,,and frozen sea mixture.
i feed mine krill and silversides. i always hear about clowns bringing their anemones food but mine never does that. it actually does the opposite. when i try to feed the anemone, the clown just rips it out and spits it into the sand.
Rumor has it that even the selfish clowns help feed the anenome because of scrap foods from their sloppy eating habbits. Doesn't really seem like it to me. I have a pair of Red Saddlebacks that bring food to the anenome and a pair of Tomato that pick food out of the anenome.
You have a clowning hosting in it? if so, you dont need to feed it. The clown will bring food in for the anemone.
Even stranger thing... I have a maroon clown that has been hosting in caulerpa (don't ask). And last week, I saw her bring it food!! A small piece of krill got on her side of the tank, and she brought it right into the blades of the caulerpa; she also sleeps there.
ClamMan gave me great advice on feeding my BTA: use those freeze dried krill pieces that come in the big can. Just put one against the tentacles with some tongs and you're good to go. Very clean way of feeding.

I think my RBTA somehow caught my fire shrimp and made a little lunch for itself. :(