Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse 60g cube?


Im thinking about getting a few Carpenter's Flasher Wrasses for the new 60g cube 24" x 24" x 24". I have been seeing anywhere from 30g min to 50g min. Not sure if 24" is ok for swimming room for the group. wanted to get 3-5 would be in the tank with 2 small clowns and a clean up crew. What do you think???
I would think that would be fine. If my memory serves me right (it never does) they are some of the smaller wrasses. They swim in more of a zig zag motion than a straight line like a tang would. My lubbocks is constantly darting in and out of the rock.
Hope you are using a cover they can't jump through. We had a trio and all have managed to jump through the mesh cover.
they are jumpers Corey....I've lost all mine in the past due to carpet can kinda tell they test the hear them "ring the bell" on the halides
I think this should be fine Cory, but what the others said is true, flasher Wrasse' (of any kind) are very acrobatic, constantly launching themselves about, so a cover of some kind would be key.