Carpet surfer :(


25g Waterbox

But they are rumored jumpers!

Try losing a 8 year old tiger oscar.. that tank was covered too, shoulda been a couple bricks holding the glass down
I just lost my 2 year old Scooter Blennie with a great personality to the same unfortunate accident. RIP
Just what kind of "cover" is required for gobies? I have a light canopy that completely covers the tank (that is, sits on the rim...) This is clearly enough, right? Or, do these fish aimlessly leap into the air, meaning he could impale himself on the reflector or burn himself on one of the lamps? In that case, do I need an eggcrate top?

(Don't mean to hijack Nano, just seems like the appropriate thread in which to ask the question...)
Thats too bad. Mine also jumped when i upgraded tanks.... I hate jumpers! I had an almost completely inclosed canopy and used gutterguard around any openings. Now I have a completely closed canopy. Hopefully any jumpers will bounce back in the water.
My Longnose Hawk jumped through my egg crate - and he was a good sized fish too. Sorry about your loss Nanoreefer.
THROUGH?! the eggcrate? That's incredible... I guess they can squeeze through a 0.5"x0.5" square!
He's was good for months, but unfortunately the back of mu canopy is exposed. No more jumpers for me, or some eggcrate covering the back of the canopy (although it seems that is not enough).
I was shopping at Leows or HD and they had acrylic (plexiglass), and lexan sheets cheap, they will even cut it for you. Will it kill lighting much? Or shoudl I use real glass? I have a 3" or so gap near the back of my tank too.. but I need to have some room for hoses and cords and stuff, and with plastic I could make little cutout for the tubes.
I had an idea to put a slanted wall of plexiglass around the top of the tank. A bit like a lampshade, so the fish could jump, but would land back in the water. It wouldn't cut down on lighting or evaporation. It might even reflect some extra light back into the tank.

I really need to work on that project before any of my fish jump.
I've tried twice with firefish and both have carpet surfed on me. They're beautiful fish but apparently not meant to reside in my tanks.
Fawkes, what kind of covering did you have (if at all) when they were jumping on you?
Firefish are small and easily startled into jumping, they really are a beautiful fish and their size is perfect for a 20L. Will a zebra dartfish jump too?
Weird, cause the firefish jumped but the dartfish didn't, I wonder what spooked him? They have been in the tank together the whole time and is (was :( ) smaller than the firefish.
JWeb said:
Fawkes, what kind of covering did you have (if at all) when they were jumping on you?

First one jumped literally an hour before I got the egg crate cut to fit the tank.

The second one had a glass covering on it and just enough space to fit the filter on the back of the tank.

They both got a good distance from the tank though. LOL (RIP little buddies)