clown kicking up sand


reefing again!
why is my marron clown kicking up sand? he has been doing this ever since I added a bta to my tank for it. all my corals are closing up because of the constant sand storm . whats going on?
Sounds like he is taking care of his bta by making room for it.Mine got so aggressive towards anything that came near his pal he would attack it including me.
My Maroon has nearly destroyed my tank, piles the sand up over my Carpet Anenome, kicks sand up over clams and corals, aggressive towards everything, will rip out any new coral I try to add. I truly hate this fish I have tried to trap him, net him, I even harpooned him but he recovered. I am changing my tank over from a 75 to a 110 so his time is near :eek:.

merk, mine did this as well. made more room for his bta to open. BUt man he would wack me if i went anywhere near it!
Welcome to the club. That's what these fish do and it's aggravating to say the least. I recommend a complete tank meltdown to kill off the BTAs, then the fish goes back to his normal behavior. When the BTAs melt into goo, the clownfish amazingly enough stop caring for them and lose their territorial nature. :p

this is very true. Im sure he wont mind the ammonia spike that ensues haha. My clown pissed me off so much, hed get sand in my clam too. The BTA got so big i had to give it one whole end of the tank as well. so i decided i could fit way more corals over there if i got rid of it haha. harpooned your clown fish? Don't you think thats a bit drastic? true perc used to do the same. When i put my hand in the tank he would nip at me, especially if i was moving anything around i would get a nice bite right between my fingers....the only place that actually hurts
Jim Tansey said:
My Maroon has nearly destroyed my tank, piles the sand up over my Carpet Anenome, kicks sand up over clams and corals, aggressive towards everything, will rip out any new coral I try to add. I truly hate this fish I have tried to trap him, net him, I even harpooned him but he recovered. I am changing my tank over from a 75 to a 110 so his time is near :eek:.


thats a freakin riot :D
Well if anyone wants to give their maroon and associated BTA let me know...Apparently I am the only maroon fan around here....Eh whats a lil love bite from your fish...
the constant sandstorm caused many of my sps to bleach. I don't know if they will recover. I had no choice but to remove either the clown or the bta.the bta was a little more coopertive, but I had to remove the entire rock it was on, it didn't want to let go. so for now the bta will stay in my nano tank and hopefully my clownfish will stop kicking up sand.

ill call this one step forward after 2 steps back.
Well at least you can stop the problem by removing the BTA. My clown could care less if there is a bta in there or not. He just loves to redecorate the tanks sand structures no matter what. He did it before the bta and still after. He is just a rebel!
i have a clarkii clown who does the same thing, although less frequently. now that my anemone is up on a rock, high above the sand, he seems to not do it anymore. problem solved i guess, although he didnt really kick sand around enough to cause any problems