clownfish spawn ritual



so when they first start does only the male clean the rock. as my male will what looks like is cleaning the rock around the female. but during lights on they are everywhere lights off they are at the same spot and the male starts nibbling at the rock around her. i have caught her shaking a little but stops. she only does it once a night. this has been going on for 3 days now. i have had clowns breed before but never seen the dance
My pair of black ice clowns start slow like that than the male with be cleaning all day pair just laid a ton of eggs and I finally caught them in the act and got some video of it was awesome !
You'll see something protruding from her "lower abdomen" area right before she's about to lay her eggs
thanks guys how long do i have before they will lay there eggs? just so i have time to buy the things i need to raise them.
i just noticed one of my clown releasing cloudy stuff. i dont know which one it was cuz they was swimming next to each other. is this normal?