coral spot feeding help


I wanted to get some opinions if anyone is willing to give up there recipe id realllly appreciate it. I have both hard corals and soft corals and I would like feed them well so they grow as fast as possible. anyone willing to help me out with exactly how to preform spot feeding im relatively new, I would really appreciate it. thank you Mason
I spot feed LPS and nemmies using a turkey baster--- shut down all your powerheads and squirt the food in--then shoo away all the fish and creatures that are looking to pirate it. Is that what you were asking? I use all sorts of frozen food.
thanks ya little bit Iv heard of doing that I was trying to use phytoplankton and other small stuff like that seems like my coral is too small for brine shrimp and misis
Sure thing... if you're going to use phytoplankton, I would turn off your skimmer for 15-20 minutes to allow everything to feed.
JMO,but don't feed phytoplankton.As far as I know and have read the only critter that benefits from Phyto is baby clams.
If you want to feed coral, and it's really not necessary ,feed cyclopeeze in small amounts.
And only like once every other week or so.A little goes a long way,and too much will give you a nasty cyano outbreak.
It would help to know exactly what corals you're trying to feed. Soft corals do not need to be fed. LPS can, but some like meatier foods than the really small zooplankton. I can't say that any of them would necessarily benefit from phytoplankton, and in reality it may do nothing other than make your nutrient load higher.

I have a variety of LPS and softies, as well as SPS, and I feed Rod's food (once a week or so, to the whole tank), and PE Mysis on other days. Some LPS with larger mouths like larger pieces of food, like a small chunk of (uncooked) scallop or cocktail shrimp. Scolymia is a good example. My Sun coral responds well to PE Mysis, and I seem to get the best growth from that (when my fish aren't trying to steal it).

I have found that it's easiest to feed the fish first (I keep the powerheads on for that usually). Then, when they are almost done, I turn the powerheads off and start target feeding the corals. I don't do this all the time though, like someone else said - almost all corals don't need us to feed them. The only one I try to feed every week is the sun coral.

You'd be surprised at how much your corals will throw out their feeding tentacles when you simply put the turkey baster in the water and blow the fish poo & uneaten food off the rocks.... it's good to keep that stuff from settling anyway.

Hope this helps.
I feed in the early AM, before the lights come on, and most of the fish are too sleepy to steal it. Also, when the light are on, corals are concentrating more on photosynthesis, the polyps open up to feed at night, and that is when they'll be more ready to accept it. I feed a little bit of Oyster Feast a few days out of the week, and some Cyclopeeze once or twice a week(more for the LPS). I can get away with more feeding because of my system volume and large skimmer, but I still need to be careful, as too much too often can be counterproductive. Try to resist the urge to stuff them up with food.
As far as Phyto, like mentioned above, it really doesn't feed the corals. It feeds clams, but also feeds pods, bacterias, and all the other tiny and microscopic life in your tank, which ultimately the corals and fish do feed on. I add a little phyto once in a while to keep things going.
As some have said, "feeding" really only applies to LPS. Feeding foods helps the flesh, feeding clean/balanced water feeds their skeletal growth.

I feed Phyto to help my pods stay alive with all my wrasses but it is not necessary for most tanks. Larry's Reef Frenzy feeds everything else in my tank and it is extremely clean. As mentioned before, turkey basting is my prefered method.

I also does some amino acids mid day for my SPS as thats when they use them (during photosynthesis).

I've heard that fauna marine has a great LPS food but i've never used it.
I also does some amino acids mid day for my SPS as thats when they use them (during photosynthesis).

I've heard that fauna marine has a great LPS food but i've never used it.

Which amino acids do you feed? if you don't mind sharing?
One tip when using turkey baster is to make sure you squeeze it out gently and not to blast it at the coral as it will cause them to get scared and retract their tentacles.
I like to use BRS fish goo in a baster to feed fish and corals. I've even fed corals pellets and they've taken to it.

15-20 min prior to feeding corals (usually at night) I like to shoot some "reef chili" in the water column with return pumps off. This gets all the feeders out :)
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