Custom 10g cascade is near the finish line


Hey Guys,

I have been working on a custom 10 gallon cascade tank for a few months now and It is near completion.

Cascade Tank.JPG


10 G display tank cascading on 3 faces.
3 gallon ref.
Custom built stand
~200gph pump to drive cascade
12w Custom LED fixture
100w Petlier ceramic heater/chiller
Thermistor temperature monitoring
Ultrasonic sensor to monitor evaporation and auto top off
Logic board to control temperature, lights, top off and emergency shutdown.


- The Stand - Done
- The Tank - Done
- The water collection tray - Done
- The Light - Done
- Plumbing - Main tank is done and ref are plumber. Need to buy small RO and hardline the top off
- Everything else - All hardware is purchased, most is installed. The heating system has been tested outside the tank. Need to get it all running and calibrated.

Check out a video of the system running during main plumbing test.

I'll keep you all updated.

I think you need a bigger pump. it would most likely get rid of the triangular shape of the water coming down the sides. But even if you didn't wicked awesome tank! Don't keep any snails in there by the way.
Thanks Everyone,

I have been working pretty hard on it. I am not 100% sure what is going in it yet but was thinking of keeping it simple.. Clown, Blood Shrimp, Corals.

I admit, I wanted to get the full cascade effect but I think that the .375 radius corners a just a little to much for the cohesion of the water.

I had the pump running harder but it made very little difference and the collection tray was having a hard time keeping up. I am still working on it but I may be stuck with the triangles.

I have all the edges radius'd

I think the problem is the height, it is 16" tall. I dunno we will see how it reacts with salt water, the water in the video is fresh water.

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