December Meeting Yard Sale Items Thread


More corals than gallons
Figured people who are selling things may want to start to list them for next weekend so that there is more interest drummed up. Also for buyers, you can know how much cash you need to bring :)

Please list your equipment/frags/whatever else you are bringing to sell and the prices for them!

Here's my list, it may change as I need to go through my box downstairs and find some more equipment that I can get rid of...

- (2) single polyp Red Hornet zoas
- (2) single polyp Radioactive Green zoas
- (1) single and (1) double polyp Purple death palys
- (1) single and (1) double polyp Armor of God palys
- (1) double and (1) quad headed Green candy Cane

Still to come...

I need an RO or RO/DI with or without filters. I would love to give someone from the group some money for one before I shell out for a brand new one. So if anyone wants to unload their's so they can go for an upgrade I would be appreciative!
I will have:

- 2 20lb bags of Carib sea black sand. Brand new.
- 1 5gal bucket of base rock (formerly live, been dead now for about 11 months)
- 15" x 15" square heat SINK for DIY LED projects

- 1 2"+ Maroon Clown. Healthy and great color.
- 2 Yellow tail Damsels
- Some live rock pieces
- Live rock with zoas/palys
- Various softy frags
- Button Polyps (2 types, brown and Green)
- Mushrooms
- Purple center zoas
- Green skirt zoas
- 2-3" Pink and green/teal chalice

Possibly some other stuff
I've got a final today but I'll post some items in the Junk Yard section tomorrow. Off the top of my head, I've got a couple of sumps, skimmer body, rocks, etc.

So make sure to check out the Junk Yard section tomorrow and help me clean my basement.
I will bring along the 40 gallon breeder (drilled) that I have, along with a Coralife skimmer that we used to use with our 92 gal if anyone's interested. Probably bring a 10 gal sump (2 chambers) with me also ...

For corals, I might bring some duncan frags, pink hammer, and possibly frogspawn...
if anyone has a phosban reactor that they can sell at the yardsale i would be sooooo happy!!!! :0)
yea I need a couple MJ pumps as well. 1200, 900, 800, 600, any of these will do. I need one to power my ATO (minimal flow), my biopellets (medium flow) and one for my frag tank (needs to be over 150 GPH at 3' head height...). Just thought I'd throw that out there... :)