Does anyone order from LiveAquaria?


"Senior" Member
Does anyone actually order from LiveAquaria? I don't really know if this is the right section to post this in.
I have ordered from them, and feel safe to do so. I had a dwarf lionfish die after 3 - 4 days and they credited fish and shipping w/ out question. Also bought equipment (a light) that IMO was too loud (fans) and they took it back w/ full refund - no questions asked.
I have bought a few corals and they were / are still fine after a year.
I've never ordered from their live department but I've had a few problems with their drygoods stuff a few years ago and they fixed the problems right away. In recent orders they have def improved and I've heard nothing but good things from people who have ordered from them... Try looking at their RC subforum to get more feedback...
I have ordered from them several times and the only loss I had was a cleaner shrimp and I was credited back fully with no issues.

group buy? LOL

I need some CUC, are you ordering and where are you?

hehe I wanted an arurora goby but in all seriousness I was wondering how crediblE they where and it seems like they're pretty legit. I thought Everyone just went on their site for new fish and info. If anyone happens to want to hold a group buy though :) I'm in boston
i buy from liveaquaria pretty often. They are my go to online store for live stock. I would just be careful ordering anything that is an extremely sensitive species. But that goes without saying about any online livestock dealer.
I have not ordered from them yet as I have not bought livestock in a very long time. That said, they always have very large presence at MACNA each year. They have built out some impressive cultivation centers, hold their own local events from time to time and appear legitimately interested in interacting with and advancing the hobby. This is all in addition to the stellar customer service I have always heard about.
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