Does Tropic Isle Carry Cyclopeeze?

Subject says it all. I forgot to get some when I was at Mike's on Sat. and TI is the most convenient place for me to stop.
I know Sea Creatures has it... I think skiptons does too... TI usually has a big freezer full of stuff. Give them a call, they'll let you know.
With all the rave reviews the store staff gets I hesitate to assume I'll get a reliable answer if I call. I just realized that a store I often forget about, Uncle Ned's, carries it and they're on my way home too.
I've not seen cyclopeeze at TI. And I know for certain that they don't carry Joe's juice. I received a rude, glaring look and a stern "NO", when I asked this weekend (not from fish room employees)... *sigh* and to think, I went to their defense in the latest thread.... only to be subjected myself.....
By the by....Ned does rock!! Not only do I like what I see there...but he and his staff are the kind of folks you can sit and talk with for hours... has a nice "homey" feeling like AA.
Piscevore said:
Neds rocks ;)

Ned's was my home away from home when I was doing the African Cichlid thing. Great store. Theyre Africans are great, marine decent from what i remember (its been a while).. I just remember a lot of their "normal" tropical fish being a little sub par...wierd looking angels and stuff.

But their African Cichlids are the best anywhere around here.
Ned is very knowledgable. His fish are always healthy in my experience too. Sometimes the place is a mess with hoses all over and water on the floor (kinda like my basement) but I always have a good feeling about my purchases there. He's also very good about segregating and not selling sick fish which is a plus.
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