Dogface feeding question


Looking for advice on feeding my dogface puffer, he is a character and definitely a favorite of our tank but I am struggling with how much to feed him.
I feed my tank smaller amounts 2-3 times a day because I have a couple of very active and growing tangs but have read Puffers should only be fed every 2-3 days, my question is this when he is hungry which is pretty much every time we feed the other fish he sticks out his teeth and rubs them back and forth across the glass and gets really agitated, giving him one clam on the half shell or one or two Krill in the morning seems to mostly satisfy him and does not make too much of a mess, and then in the evening he will get one of his other favorites Krill (sparingly), 1/2 a raw shell on shrimp, I have yet to get him to eat silversides but still try and he also like the larger Mysis PE?? shrimp that I soak in garlic for 30 minutes prior to feeding so he is getting a pretty varied diet.
He is growing so I assume he needs more sustenance than a mature DF puffer and is not overly round so I think I am doing the right thing by following my instincts but am having a hard time with the teeth grinding on the front glass is he really that hungry, should I be feeding more but not every day, he once ate his portion of half the shell on shrimp and stole my porc puffers portion and slept for almost the whole next day is that a more normal behavior for these guys?
just looking for confirmation we are seeing normal behavior and feeding appropriately

Here is a pic of Buddy
df puffer2.jpg