Drilling into a perfectly fine UV sterilizer

Certainly the best way to mount it to avoid the housing being completely drained is horizontal with the inlet and outlet pointing up. Aqua ultraviolet and many other manufacturers also say you can mount vertical and that would also cause potential draining scenarios while the light is on. From the original post I said what I did was not advised but I wanted to share that it could be done if needed.

If anything I would try to find a air release valve which would automatically vent the air. I have used large ones in my past for pressurized waste water forcemains and they work well, my only concern with those would be potential salt buildup in the valve causing it to leak by or not work at all.

Would that air release valve require pressure inside the UV to work automatically?
Would that air release valve require pressure inside the UV to work automatically?
it would require positive pressure. Its a small chamber with a float inside of it. The air is vented but once water enters the chamber it moves a float up which then closes the air vent.