EMERGENCY heater went haywire


Well-Known Member
Something went wrong with heater and my 72 gallons at 88 degrees. Nothing dead yet, turned off lights and took out heater, crossing fingers and hoping everything isn’t dead in the morning. Any tips would be great, nothing like this has happened to me before.

Side note- sorry I’ve been pretty inactive lately. I’ve just been enjoying the summer and haven’t had much time for reefing but trying to get back into the swing of things. This community has been so awesome.
I know it's after the fact, but I never trust the thermostats in a standard heater. Best to set them at about 78, then plug them into a separated temperature controller. You can purchase very inexpensive and seemingly reliable external temp controllers now. Also, I suggest that you never submerge the seal section of the heater. The seals eventually leak and if water gets into the heater your tank can be in a "world of trouble" as the heavy metals in the heater end up in the water. I've seen it happen to many a tank.

FWIW, I wrote a three part series on stopping such accidents. While it was written a long while back, seems to me it is all still applicable:

Part I was here:
