Fish trap to borrow


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
I am trying to catch my six line wrasse for 3 days without success.. The DIY bottle trap did not work... Can anyone near woburn lend me a fish trap? I dont want to tear down entire aquarium to catch him..

i know that feeling lol wish i could help you out. You might want to try a rod and hook a lounge chair and a 6 pack :) good luck.
im shocked that the DIY bottle trap didnt work i caught mine last week and it took about 15 minutes, he kept checking it out then went it for the food..
I spent days trying different things and an odd shaped wine carrafe with cyclopeeze at the bottom worked perfectly in about 5 minutes.
im shocked that the DIY bottle trap didnt work i caught mine last week and it took about 15 minutes, he kept checking it out then went it for the food..
What size bottle you used? I used a 2 liter coke bottle and placed some larry's reef food inside it.. he didnt even bother to check it out.. i kept the bottle for 2 days and removed it yesterday because the food started to decompose
Fish needs motivation....Don't feed for 3 days. I got many fish out of a 120g reef with 140lbs of LR this way. I put mysis at the bottom of a wine carafe and set it on the sand at about a 45 degree angle. It works perfectly!
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