Gen 5 Radions?!?

Seems like all the hype is in the blue version and not much love on the pro eh?

Planning to run 3 blues long ways above my 5’ tank

I think its a bit ridiculous they are releasing 2 different versions. I'm not totally sure of their reasoning just yet. I'm not sure why they can't redirect the full power depending on the channel intensity you set.
Something AI has been doing for awhile now if I am not mistaken.
I agree it seems odd unless one is so specialized to create a certain spectrum. Led make up is quite different too. Feel like the Pro is going to be a 6700k-1200k, blue 12-20k

Just a thought
I think I read the blue version will allow for the AB+ scheme to run at higher intensity then the Pro version.
That’s it then, they are specializing the units to create certain conditions. No more the days of dial up anything you want because if you do, it’s possible to be off spectrum.

However I grew some nice sticks under gen 2s!
No one have love for ATI powermodule t5+led anymore? Look like comparison with G5 is limited to Orphek.
I personally like the LED combination of the Blue.
Warm white just seems excessive when combined with cool white. Both Pro and Blue will have enough power to kill your coral so I don’t think PAR matters.
No one have love for ATI powermodule t5+led anymore? Look like comparison with G5 is limited to Orphek.
People are talking so much about AB+ program, the G5 Blue is said to optimize toward AB+ program.
The AB+ name was refereed ATI blue+ bulbs. I guess that speak volume.
T5 and hybrid is here to stay.
Interestingly the remaining G4 inventory was sold out quickly (due to the discount that made the G4 were more or less reasonably priced) and there are still plenty of G5 sitting there.
I guess the traditional led layout undone a decade of “advancement” of LED technology for reefing.
On the other hand, the horticulture folks have been stick to the traditional led layout for all these years. Apparently medical plant growers are well aware of what shadowing and hot spots can do to their plants and they don’t need no shimmer.
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