Get your Blenny porn movies here!

Thanks so much for telling me about that. Now I can post these on my blog. :D
My little dragonets do that every night just before the lights go out. I've never seen any eggs or nest building or anything indicating any repro attemps. Has anyone else ever seen any evidence?
Thanks! Ya, Sharkbait always tries to get into the action. As soon as I can figure out if it's a male or female, maybe I'll get him/her a mate too. :)
GinaD said:
As soon as I can figure out if it's a male or female, maybe I'll get him/her a mate too. :)

Very cool video, thansk for sharing...

Your clown can be either a male or a female. Buy another one that is smaller then sharkbait and you can pretty much gaurantee that sharkbait will become the female and the new one will be the male. They establich sexuality by dominance. But sharkbait may have already made the transition (there is no real way to tell).
If they are the same as mandarin dragonets (which I would assume they are) they do not build a nest, but disperse the eggs and sperm into the water at the end of the dance. The eggs look like tiny clear spheres and are pretty hard to see. I always know when my mandarins release the eggs because they make a splash noise at the surface as she flips over. The chromis go nuts eating the eggs.
Your clownfish isn't as much a camera hog as a caviar hog :) it's simply waiting for the proverbial "free lunch".

~Flighty~ said:
If they are the same as mandarin dragonets (which I would assume they are) they do not build a nest, but disperse the eggs and sperm into the water at the end of the dance. The eggs look like tiny clear spheres and are pretty hard to see. I always know when my mandarins release the eggs because they make a splash noise at the surface as she flips over. The chromis go nuts eating the eggs.

I'd like to see a video of that! That would be very interesting to watch. Like Jacque Crusteau (sp).
JustDavidP said:
Your clownfish isn't as much a camera hog as a caviar hog :) it's simply waiting for the proverbial "free lunch".


That's what I suspected him of doing. Hmmm... What to do about that if I want baby blennies...
Same thing I need to do if I want to keep my H. Reidi fry... be prepared, and intercept! :) Actually, my biggest challenge is keeping the fry from the pumps and the mandarin who both eat them. I don't know your system at all, but if you could have another "hotel" for the mating pair, you may be successful. I'm sure, if your clown is like mine were, that there'd be no leftover eggs after the feeding frenzy.


PS.. mandarins doing the happy dance:
Dave, are those your mandarins? They're gorgeous! How many do you have?
No...those are actually filmed in the wild. Kararu Dive Voyages has some other great multimedia on that site as well. Check it out!

BTW... I have just one Mandarin (Hendrix). He lives in a 26 Bowfront with my seahorses. Yeah, yeah...someone is going to pipe in and say that they need "hundreds of lbs of live rock, 10's of gallons of water" etc. There's always an exception to the rule.

My mandarin was STARVING in my established, pod populated, 75 Gallon reeftank. He could care less about live foods and never got his share of the frozen foods because the percs, banggai and other fish would eat every bit in just minutes.

He's now fat and happy in my 26G sharing mysid, adult brine, and other frozen goodies with the H. Reidi crew.


:) He had just eaten a clear flatworm. One of the ONLY live foods I've seen him eat. He LOVES them. I actually net them from the offline refugiums and put one or two in the display for him. Crazy eh...everyone else is trying to rid their tanks of them...and I use them as live food *L*