Glass drillers?


Any good tank drillers here? I've always had all in one tanks but just recently bought a 50 gallon shallow tank and I need to have it drilled. I would be willing to pay someone if they could help me out with it. The tank will come next Thursday
try GREG under water world in the taunton mall ,,,just make sure were you want them placed .lay them out does a good job
post your location and what size holes you are looking to have drilled. you might find someone close by that can drill it for you if they have the bits.
Im in Weymouth. Tank isnt here yet so I still have some time to find someone. Im way too nervous that I'd ruin the tank
Coral Reef Aquarium in Seekonk does it also.

I live in Somerset and will do it and have a hole saw but IDK what size you needed drilled plus i'm not local.
Its genuinely not hard to do and is more nerve-wracking than it is dangerous.

EDIT: I see now you're in Weymouth. I'm not familiar with LFS in that area.
Make sure it can be drilled. If i am not mistaken the 50 gallon tanks are tempered all around. Always a good idea to Check first.
I plan on ordering the Synergy shadow box overflow but it isn't available until mid November. But I will need 2 2.5" holes drilled. Its the zoo med 50 gallon low boy tank so no tempered glass.
Theres got to be someone nearby that has experience drilling glass. I willbring the tank to you within a reasonable distance from weymouth/boston and i can pay you. I will need 2 2.5inch holes drilled in a couple of weeks. Thanks!