Great Success


I've been wanting to get a BTA for my maroon clown pair for a while now and finally got one today. I got a really good deal at the LFS I usually go to, it's about the size of a silver dollar and has nice bubble tips on it. The best news is that within 10 seconds of my hand being out of the tank my female clown began cleaning it and hosting in it. :D
That sounds like it might be trouble for the anemone. Maroons can be very agressive when loving their home and can litterally kill the anemone with love. keep a really close eye on if the anemone is able to eat (sometimes the clown will clean the food out rather than put it in) and watch for tenticles being bitten off. Maroons usually bite some tenticles off and can kill a smaller anemone this way. If you do see problems, you can always seperate them and feed the anemone for a few months to get it big enough to handle the love.
I agree with Cindy. Maroon clowns are the most aggressive clowns. They can be rough with each other, the anemone, and you if you stick your hand near their territory. They're even more aggressive once they host in something and claimed that their home. I went through two pair of GSM and I had to let the first pair go because it was getting too big and I get bitten everytime I clean the tank. I just got another pair ecently mainly because I want to keep RBTA. And these guys are not any different. Aggressive as heck.
Well, anyways, I hope the BTA is big enough for the clowns. Usually at least twice the size of the length of the fish. If you have a pair, then you want even a larger one. If you see stress from the BTA(deflated, gaping mouth), I would advise you to somehow keep the clowns away from the BTA until it has settle in the tank.
Good luck. BTA and Clowns are exciting to watch.
Well thanks for raining on my parade guys. Just kidding, thanks for the advice. I'm gonna keep a real close eye on the situation and see how it goes and adjust accordingly. I hope I don't jinx myself but I think my maroons may be the exception to the rule. Overall neither of my pair has shown any aggression at all so far. I've even introduced nearly all my fish to the tank after the pair was put into it with no problems. Oh well I guess only time will tell with this anenome though. Thanks again for the advice.
More good news, I've been keeping a close eye on the anenome and it seems healthy and unstressed. More importantly every time I feed the tank my female clown feeds the BTA before she eats. Still gonna keep a close watch but it's looking good so far.
Good to hear.
My GSM are starting to do the same thing. It's great because I don't have to stick my hand in the hand.