Gyre xf 150 w/ wp40


So I recently bought a Gyre and really like it so far. Only problem in having is I don't think I'm getting enough flow on my sand bed at full power(pulse mode). Luckily it has plenty of flow on the top where my sps are but I feel like it dies out quickly after hitting the glass?
So my biggest question is should I add a wp40 with it and where would you place the wp if you were me? I don't want to mess up the Gyre as I like how it brings things up and around to my overflow. I was thinking either right below the Gyre or on the opposite side lower in the tank to continue the "Gyre" water motion? But that would probably be to much flow at the sand bed?
I have mine set up that way only with a RW 20 on pulse and the gyre on stream works great . I think the gyre is enough by itself but wanted a touch more "movement"
I did exactly what you are thinking with an MP40. I don't notice any benefit. I have the Gyre150 on a 6ft tank and I get a good amount of flow over sand..but...I think because of set flow direction (even on pulse) is that flow does not reach hard to get to areas because flow is not multi-directional. I don't have a remedy for that yet. I could place powerheads in other areas but would defeat the flow of the GYRE..a definite trade off.
I have the 130 and a wp10 going in my Solano m Solana cube. I think/know both would and be enough on there own but I run the gyre on alternating modes and the wp10 on either W2 or W3 so it sends out a building pulse across the tank. Corals seem to like it. Just gotta stop fiddling with speeds. I'm my own worst enemy in that regard.