Harem of Scott wrasses?


Hello all,
Does any member of our club keep a harem of scotts wrasses, maybe 3-4 of them? If so, can i see some picture?
I am just plan on some fishes for my new tank 75Gallons
Can i keep like 1 male and 2 females scott wrasses in that tank? or i am crazy to even think about it?
I like angels but they eat corals, they are out
I also like Red sea Purple Tang but everyone tell me that i can't keep one in a 75G, so i forget about that idea.

I think that you could keep a trio of them no problem. Variables that you must keep in mind are what other fish you have/intend to put in there and how good your skimming/water change regiment is.
Yes, i will have a cover on it.
Fishes in the 75g will be:
3 Lyretail anthias (i already have them in my small tank now, 1 male and 2 female. They live quite peaceful)
2 perc clowns (I already have them)
3 Scott wrasses (dont' have them but plan on buying them pending your approval :) )

Do you guys think a Trio of Scott wrasses is better than 1 pink margin and one laboutie wrass? I ask because it is hard to get a trio but it is easy to buy a Pink margin and a laboutie wrasse separately.

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June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
