Help me...I'm melting!!!

So don't frag it off and chuck it?? At first, I thought it was just expanding but when it looked like it was melting away...I thought it was an infection of some type. Okay, thanks for all the info guys....I'll wait it out.
WOW what a link thank you very much :)
way tomuch to read and focus on tonite though but definate reading for tomorrow actually placed it in favs ..
thank you nano
ROTFL = rolling on the floor laughing ;)

not ROLFL = reading overly late fish links

(that's never gonna work.......damn typo's)

Skydolphin, It is fascinating stuff, i almost want one of my corals to do it just so I can watch it. I never get bored wating the tank for something new no matter how big or small. like this: that is about 1 square centimeter of a turbo snails shell, the worm I have never seen before in my tank.
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wrassefan said:
When it propogated and spread in the past, it never looked like this. This colony started about a yr ago with 2 heads.

Definitely propagating,i have the exact same cauletrea and it has done it several times,it will stretch till it hits the sand and then a new polpy forms.
Mine land right by my deresa and as soon as it purges they are gone.
Maybe they will show up when i break the tank down :)
It's hard to say from the photos whether this is an infection or not. IF it is an infection it will likely be a bit more 'cottony' (don't you love that scientific term?). Also, if it is an infection you would probably see a bunch of tissue and 'stuff' fly off it if you were to blow a bit of water at it with a turkey baster.

I have seen this type of asexual reproduction (if that's what it is in your case) many times in other corals (don't remember seeing it in Caulastrea, but it sounds like any others have). I'd keep a very close eye on it to make sure it is not an infection.
My Candy Cane did the same thing last year. I figured it was reproduction and put a flat chunk of Live Rock under it. It did drool onto that rock and started another colony. Unfortunately, I move that rock onto my reef (was battling cyano and needed to move it from the sand) and forgot about it. It slipped between the rocks and before I could find it, it bleached and died.
