help with new addition


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BRS Member
I just added an orange lyretail anthias to my tank yesterday and its not going so well. The fish is eating and healthy but my six line wrasse is going after the anthias with a vengeance. My flame joins in too. The anthias is literally holed up in one of the live rock, hiding behind my fire shrimp. Was not expecting this as I thought I had more of a community tank. Should I try to q/t the anthias or just wait and see if they accept her (read the orange ones are females)?
^ What Kevin said. 6 lines can be very aggressive. So for that matter, can flame angels. Lyretails, on the other hand, are on the milder side of the anthias family
Thanks for the advice....tried catching the six line to q/t him and it was an effort in futility. Too much rock for him to hide out in (swear he was taunting me:mad:) Anyway, big improvement today. The two resident socio-paths have been leaving the lyretail alone. She is eating and swimming around. Does have a damaged eye though...hope that heals.