horrible luck


so i decided to wipe down my tank and stand yesterday because ive been lacking on that from lack of time.(i changed the water the day before) today i grabbed a couple frags and set up my aclimate i noticed around the bottom plastic there was water and what seemed like a little salt i wiped it a little while ago but it seems like theres a little water still in there. could it be possible my tank is leaking or could there be a bit of water from when i changed my water. i did spill a bit of water by accident down the front. im going to keep and eye on it but is it possible to fix a leak while the tank is up and running? the tank is only like 6 months old .
For such a new tank I would think a leak would be rare. Possible, but rare. I'd say it's more likely from when you cleaned it. Did you use fresh water for anything? That can evaporate rather slow on glass and plastic. Salt water would evap. very quick though so idk.

Keep an eye on it for sure regardless. And to answer your question of sealing a stocked tank, I personally wouldn't recommend it. It'd be very difficult and arguably probably not very safe for inhabitants.
Plus if something ate or stepped in the silicone that could be messy for awhile.
They usually suggest to keep silicone dry for 24-48 hours before seeing water though I think that's more for it to cure than for toxicity.

But yeah i'm gonna say you're likely just fine and had a little scare that will turn out to be nothing bad.
well i spilled a little salt water then yesterday when i wiped it the cloth wasnt soaked but it was wet. so im hoping its just all from that. i cant deal with tearing everything apart right now. im just finally starting to get comfortable with everything in my tank since my upgrade lol
The water can accumulate in the trim when you spill a little here and there. I'd just keep wiping it up and make sure that's what it is.