How do asterinas reproduce?


I tried to research this and am coming up with mixed answers.

How do asterinas reproduce?

1. Splitting
2. Mating with another asterina and laying eggs that could potentially get into the water column and migrate throughout the system.
3. Releasing sperm/eggs into the water column
4. Other.

Could having 1 in your tank lead to an invasion?
Could having them in your sump lead to them infesting the DT?

The reason why I ask is that I was wondering if I could have then infest my sump and then pull a bunch out each to sustain a harlequin shrimp in the DT tank. I a, skeptical about this working so if the food source would eventually run out I want them in the sump as scavengers and also because they look kinda cool. I just don't want them in my tank if for a long duration because of the fears of infestation and them eating zoas.

Thanks for any help! :cool:
One way I know ......they reproduce by other words like you leg will turn into a body. & they will continue to reproduce if condiitions allow it... The known predator we can add to our system is a harlequin shrimp as you stated...(but that is only recommended when the populations get larger) The HS will only eat them...once there is no longer an abundance the HS will die if not removed from the tank & become scavenger food. they r a cool looking shrimp....but they will not survive once they clean out ur system... they can indeed get thru the system so if you have them in ur sump chances are you will get them in ur system...

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they will not survive once they clean out ur system... they can indeed get thru the system so if you have them in ur sump chances are you will get them in ur system...

I didn't think it would work but I was planning on grabbing a bunch out of the sump every so often and putting them in the DT to feed the harly, but as you said it would clean out the system and have to be removed...

How would they get through the system as you said? Little pieces getting sucked into the return pump?
I have a few in my tank. Are they really considered a pest?

You are going to get mixed responses. Some strains eat zoas, but the majority don't. I've also heard they will eat corraline. I think they are cool, but would hate to introduce them into my tank only to find that they are actually the zoas eating ones and not be able to easily get them out.
I wouldn't consider them a pest... And they do eat coraline but I've got plenty of that and an urchin that eats it much faster than the stars... My tank seems to go through spurts where I see a bunch and then I don't see many at all... I view them as a sign of a healthy tank... And they can become nice LPS food when I scrape off the front of the glass :D
I wouldn't consider them a pest... And they do eat coraline but I've got plenty of that and an urchin that eats it much faster than the stars... My tank seems to go through spurts where I see a bunch and then I don't see many at all... I view them as a sign of a healthy tank... And they can become nice LPS food when I scrape off the front of the glass :D

Well Dave,then I have a VERY VERY healthy tank.
I'll have to take a picture once they climb back on the glass again.
It's like stars in the sky,all sizes.
I have tons of them also. I was under the impression that harlequin shrimp would eat any starfish so when it was done eating the asterinas couldn't you just feed it a starfish every once and a while?
Yeah. I wanted to try to stay away from the method of getting a CC starfish and cutting legs off to feed, but we will see. I've heard of people getting several and rotating which one they cut the legs off to keep a steady supply of legs for the harly without killing the starfeesh.
For those who have said they have a tank FULL of asterinas. Have any of you experienced any eating zoas?
I had a bunch, and I add a Halequin.. It took over a month for it to get them all. I then returned him to my LFS so someone else could use him. Mine didt bother anything, but There was way to many.
I didn't think it would work but I was planning on grabbing a bunch out of the sump every so often and putting them in the DT to feed the harly, but as you said it would clean out the system and have to be removed...

How would they get through the system as you said? Little pieces getting sucked into the return pump?

sorry for the delay....but they will get into the sump or tank thru the plumbing...they stick & keep moving!!! I would say if they get chopped in an impeller they will regrow wherever they end up!!!
I have hundreds.
And really don't care for them.

harley will wipe them out...I got two harleys after sucking probably upwards of 100 a day out of my tank. I did that till the cows came home...(6 plus months) That was at least a couple years ago...The sf finally disappeared but the HS did as well!! (didn't get them out in time)

A little side note...The ASF with thicker bodies that have a color to them eat coral tissue. (usually change color to that of the coral they munched on!!!) As far as zoos....I would think they would eat the ASF not the ASF eating the zoos...I know when I would remove them from my tank manually once in a while one would fall from my clutches & end up in an open zoo or paly to become a tastey meal!!!