How many gallons before a nano is no longer a nano?

sorry to go off topic, but i can't see this subforum on tapatalk.

Back on topic. I had posted earlier my thoughts on a nano, bu i think I will amend that statement. I think the 35g mark is a good cut off by using a 34 AIO as a reference point
I tend to agree. I think there is a certain level of "KISS" associated with a nano. When I hear nano, I usually think sumpless, skimmerless

and it has to be small, something like a 20g.... I sometimes do see people run a 60g cube or 93g cube without sump using hang on tank skimmer, (these can not be nanao),
I think it is up for people to decide if they should post in the nano section or not. There should not be a hard set rule that you can not post in the sub forum if you are above x amount of gallons. I think let the people decide if that is where theyh would like to post there tank or not.
I have a 58 gallon I`m very confused what am I? i`m to small to be a big tank but to big to be a nano LOL