ID Please, Confirm My Fears


Hey all, I bought a 90 gallon set up with a 100 gallon rubbermaid basement sump with plans of moving everything from my 65 gallon. I set up all the rock and coral in the basement sump. I put better lights over the sump for the rock and corals as it was gonna be a little time before I did the big move. Since I put up the better lights these things have been popping up everywhere. When the lights first come on the glow green, but most of the time they are this brownish color. Is it what I think it is, and what should I do? Should I try to eradicate it from the rock with coral on it best i can, and dump the rest? I would hate to dump the rock as I have well over 100 lbs of it, but these things are growing everywhere. For reference the rock in the pics is about 2 lbs and is in one of the scoop and pour hang on containers like they use at the LFS.

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Looks like majanos. The good thing is you are moving the rOck. Majanos hate being out of the water. After a little while of being out of the water they start releasing their foot and are easy to pick off with tweezers. Just make sure they are releasing and not tearing. If they won't let go wait a little while longer.