Ann. Saving NEMO Act Bill# H.R. #6447-118th Congress (Please Help Oppose)

Draft email to send you your congressman bellow if you approve. Edit as you see fit.

Dear Representative XXXXX, I am writing to express my strong opposition of the Saving Natural Ecosystems and Marine Organisms Act H.R 6447 introduced by Representative Ed Case of Hawaii. This is an extreme measure that would make it virtually impossible for marine aquarium hobbyists to continue as we currently know it.

While I understand the importance of environmental conservation, I believe that this particular legislation may have unintended consequences and negatively impact both our local businesses and the broader aquarium hobbyist community. The way the bill is currently proposed is vague at best. For example as it’s worded “Species that results in high mortality rates for individuals of such species due to poor survivorship in transport or captivity” could be labeled for any species in this hobby. The aquarium hobby has always worked in hand with research institutions to improve viability, species that would have been impossible to transport or keep in a aquarium just 20 year ago now thrive in home aquariums and are even reproducing in those environments. Examples include a variety of Acropora coral colonies as well as many fish species most notably the Yellow Tang.

I respectfully request that you consider either voting against the bill or by address these concerns by working towards more precise language and incorporating amendments that enhance the practicality and effectiveness of Bill H.R 6447. This collaborative approach would not only ensure the well-being of marine life but also maintain a healthy balance with the interests of businesses and stakeholders within our community. Thank you for your dedication to representing our community, and I appreciate your consideration of these important points. I look forward to your continued efforts in refining the bill for the benefit of both our marine ecosystems and the local industry.

Looks like this has got CORAL magazines attention now.