Is horse shoe crab reef safe?


Acro Garden, BRS Sponsor
BRS Sponsor
BRS Member
Is it? I saw some in a store and they are cute.

little? :)

are there different types of horseshoe crabs, or do they all turn into the dinner-plate sized critters I think of? If so, I wouldn't think any tank in our group would be big enough to house one.
Yeah, I have to admit I saw a pair of small rays in a tank at SeaWorld in Salem this weekend, and thought "cute! and cool!" But they get to be over a foot in diameter, and like to swim, so I think they're out of bounds. I sort of wish stores wouldn't stock things that are babies, and have no chance of surviving as adults in the care of the average hobbiest. Especially when I see them in stores that I know will recommend inappropriate livestock.
i had two in my 46 bow for about 9 months - 1 year... i would always be rescuing them from the over flow box (they love to swim but are not very good at it)... when i got them they were about the size of a quarter and when i found them dead (after the hermit's cleaned them) they were about the size of a 1/2 dollar.... never saw them picking on anything, but i never had (and still dont have) great life in my sand bed... they were fun to watch but i never replaced them after they died... if you want them get them... no regrets...