Is my Yellow Tang lonely?


Is my Yellow Tang lonely?

Right now the Yellow Tang (hence forth known as ‘Lemon Head’) is in a tank with a ton of corals/snails/hermit crabs (which I know it could care less about) and 4 Blue/Green Reef Chromis, and a mated pair of black clown fish.

Lemon Head swims between the Chromis (who just do their own thing chooching around the tank) and the mated clowns (who more or less just spend all day playing grab a** in the anemones) and then time alone nibbling at tank herbs.

Is Lemon Head lonely? Lemon Head isn’t schooling full time with the other like specied fish but seems to move in and out of the groups. None of the fish are fighting and everything seems totally fine … but is Lemon Head happy being the only Yellow Tang in the tank? Is there a fishmate I can get Lemon Head that Lemon Head will have fun with?

(I didn’t use any he/she/it stuff so as not to piss off the millennials and/or force gender or feelings on Lemon Head … for all I know Lemon Head might identify as a ‘Golf Club’, or a ‘Ritz Cracker’, or a ‘Female Yorkshire Terroir’) … cuz I <3 Lemon Head.

Thanks Peeps.
That is normal for yellow tang. It is checking out new fish and make sure to let them know he is the boss. He is very happy to be the only tang in the tank.
So glad you didn't force a gender on that fish, people these days are so insensitive. When pregnant people tell me they are having an ultrasound done to tell them the sex of their baby I scoff at their ignorance. How could they assume their babies gender just because it has a penis? Lemon head will be fine.