just have to vent


I am in Raynham
So I am out of town for 4 days and my wife was maintaining the tank. She says everything is working fine, the water level is good but the corals don't look so hot and the overflow is kind of loud. Usually when this happens the water temp is too low. I have her check the heater make sure that it's on.
She says yea both light are on etc.

I come home and 5 out of 8 corals are toast. The water temp is 70. Of course I yell at her before I even check the heater.

Then go down to check the heater. Sure enough both light are on. OK what the F. I pull the heater out and it's cold. I unplug it from the controller and plug it in the outlet direct. Heats up. The damned fuse inthe controller is toast. So even though the sensor was on the controller was on the heater was not turning on.

SO THIRD time in less than 12 months I've lost almost all of my corals.
The aptasia and the bryopsys are going crazy. The fish are still OK, but
all I have for corals is a few rics and my 2 clams ( which seem to survive everything ) But I am beggining to give up hope :(