Kent Tech M VS. Hair Algea Round 1 KO


So for anyone this may be helpful to, after moving sells by some corals and consolidating into one tank I some how ended up with a nasty outbreak of hair algea and even a small amount of bryopsis, I was almost at a loss on what to do about it as my clean up crew was barely putting a dent in it, scraping rocks with a tooth brush gets old, and not to mention the fact that it was slowly making its way onto my corals.
Water changes were doing me no justice either a lot of work and no reward.

So I had heard Kent Tech M has something in it other magnesium supplements don't have that gets rid of these algeas when boosting the magnesium level, so I tried to find in local stores no one had any, found it on eBay and ordered it took almost 2 weeks to get it, so as you could imagine the hair algea is completely out of control I almost went as far as making a 4 hour round trip ride to pick up a magical sea hare on the cape and then finally I received my Kent tech M but still unsure if it would work, but without hesitation got right on it.

So I tested my magnesium which was at 1340 and did a full dose as the instructions stated which is 1ml per gallon and is supposed to raise it by 18ppm each day, I only dosed one time and I swear this stuff worked like a miracle I should have taken pictures but after one day it was visible that the hair algea was decreasing and after 3 days total there isn't a sign of it anywhere in the tank. Unbelievable, I'd say even if you don't have a problem I'd grab a bottle of this and keep it on stand by. Keep in mind this was the only change I made in my tank so as I can see there would be no other reason for such a rapid decline until there was no more period.
In my experiences tech m rid my tank of bryopsis completely but i never saw any difference to hair algae.
It was the only change I made and I swear gone in 3 days completely or I would never have taken the time to tell others, I was amazed
Gee, I have been using it for months and cannot get rid of hair algae/bryopsis.
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