Left RODI on, flood neighbors condo

neighbor sounds cool, i know that deductable sucks but maybe get her a gift certificate or something. jmo
That is a bummer, I usually end up washing my kit. floor w/ RO water at least once every couple months. I do have mech. float shut off in my RO barrel, but it's siphoning to other barrels / buckets when I forget sometimes. (My ro container holds more than the containers I fill up with it).
I think I'll get a 3 pak of these. 1 for next to sump under stand, 1 for RO/DI area.... 1 for spare.
I though you could leave RODI sealed for more than a month at a time. I dont think it has to be airated or circulated. I could be wrong but I thought that was the case.

Anyways, sorry to hear about your mishap. It does happen time to time. I hate that feeling when youre like, "did I shut off the RODI?!?...oh Beep!" I remember the worst time I did it...I emptied my 55g drum for a WC and left the tap open by accident after draining it. Turned on the valve for RODI and went out figuring all was fine. Well 9 hours later Ive got a few inches of water in my wash room and Im wetvacing the floor and feeling very dumb. Ill hopefully never do that again.

My trick is to set the kitchen timer and put a note on the fridge...not high tech but it works.
I can certainly relate like so many others. I have flooded my finished basement several times because I leave for work with the ro/di unit still running. My wife now puts sticky's around the house when I am making water to remind me....fortunately we have a tile floor in the basement and the flooding was more a nuisance than damaging but still I hate when that happens. I like the idea of running a longer piece of tubing and putting the bucket in the shower/bath tub.
the timer idea is great!!! why didn't i think of that!!! i use a mechanical float but it never quite shuts it off... ato might be my answer
the timer idea is great!!! why didn't i think of that!!! i use a mechanical float but it never quite shuts it off... ato might be my answer

yeh the wife asking, "Why is the buzzer going off!?, Shut it off!" will get you to remember.
i too use the stove timer, as with my newer (and by newer i mean the "reefing" newer 1 year old) set-up i havnt drilled my glass ro resv., for the float valve but more than once my wife has made cookies or brownies and when she finished we forgot to put it back on.........and my rodi is under my sink and then runs through (in-wall) my bathroom and through the wall which the tank sits on, but when i flood it the water runs down my hardwood floors and then comes out of my downsatirs bathroom duct-work, lets just say that im on my 2nd ceiling now!!!!!!.......oh and my nice 1/32" gaps in my hardwood is now 1/8" and when you run your hand accross the wood you can feel how each piece rises, and drops like a sillyslide at the local carnival, thank god my wife is a saint...........for a month before i fixed the bathroom ceiling my 4 year old daughter wouldnt use that toilette unless someone stood over her cause "that big hole is scary"