Lining canopy with reflective foil -- anyone try this?

i would paint the inside white its more reflective then the horticulure foil if u are gonna use the foil use the panda film in white not silver i have some panda film if u wanna try some how much u need lmk if ur intrested
when is comes to horticulture i have a green thumb :cool:. i would stay away from any thing other than paint just beacuse of the chance of mold growing behind the film in the canopy and u not being able too see it. and make sure u if u use any reflective film take ur time strech it good and get all the rinkles out
i use flat white paint also because it spreads light evenly gloss paint has a diff spread with hot spots where the light is the brightest
Also good luck cleaning that foil stuff when it gets a bit of salt creep on it. Not that any reflector is easy to clean, but imagine trying to scrub tin foil clean and then phishing it back to the reflectivity it once had.

I agree about painting white, though I'm not sure that my reading supports white paint being more reflective, but IIRC it's something like 96% vs 94% so the difference is so minimal that it's hard to argue against the paint option.