Live food


Now with more baby
Where near Southern NH can I get live food like bloodworms(or is it black worms? whatever) or live brine?
Live ?

I haven't seen live blood worms or brine shrimp being sold any where, frozen certainly.

My SW fish won't touch bloodworms, tubifex and I've read elsewhere that brine shrimp are just empty calories for SW fish.

As a suggestion, my SW fish love cylop-eeze (frozen) however, you can get that at AA. If I could afford to give them nothing else I think they would be estactic! According to AA and other references, supposedly its good for corals too.

If I ever get this setup done I've got to try growing my own phytoplankton though, DT's is horribly expensive.

New England Tropical pet on the drum hill rotary has live brine...probably 10miles south of nashua. exit 32 off of rt 3 N or S
Oh thanks, I forgot about them. Still looking for a source of live bloodworms, trying to get a delicate fish to eat something other than whats on my LR.
Brine shrimp is not nutritious from what I've read as well. However, you can feed those suckers selcon, hence feeding your fish selcon. :)

Only place I've seen live bloodworms is Tropical fish in Boston.

You can also grow your own brine ;)
flighty have you tried fish mush its on little reef web page it lasts up to 6 months I have been very happy with it. What kind of fish is it a dragonet :confused:
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Well, I got a copperband butterflyfish. I know you should wait at least a few more months on one of these, but I didn't. I do have a ton of stuff for it to eat on the rocks. It has gotten fat since putting it in there 4 days ago. It's not eating much if any of the fresh clams I'm putting in, but it ate a huge sponge anemone today and is chowing on the spegetti worms on the rock. I've read that live black worms are a good way to get them eating out of the water collum and eventually onto mysis and other things. I think it would go for them seeing how it loves wiggly things. It hasn't started on the featherdusters, but thats a matter of time.