Looking for fish donations for a classroom


Tim- 2020- Secretary, 2019 BRS President
BRS Member
So as many of you know I had some issues with ich, tried treating it with copper and unfortunately lost all but my orange spot goby. The fish I had were for my school's saltwater aquarium that I maintain. I went from - 4 clownfish, 1 six line wrasse, 1 royal gamma and the orange spot goby.... to.... the orange spot goby.

I am sad that I messed up the copper treatment and with the ammonia build up the fish died off in a couple days. I have returned the goby to the main tank and stopped the treatment after 14 days.

Needless to say when I brought the goby into school the students were fascinated and loved watching him swim around the tank re-arranging the crushed coral and making his burrow. I would like to put more fish in the tank however I need to put on the brakes on saltwater purchases for a little while so the wife doesn't get too mad.

If anyone has a smaller sized fish (tank size is a 25 gallon) that they are willing to donate I would be happy to add him/her to my classroom. It is a reef tank so the fish needs to play nice with softies and lps corals. I teach at the Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter School in Marlborough MA. Thanks for reading and happy reefing!

I have a very nice, hardy and healthy all purple fish that have been leaving in my 14 G reef tank for the last 2years. 100% reef safe .

I am located in Westford. Send me a PM and I pass you my phone #.

Best..... Daniel

Ps: chatting with my wife there is the big possibility of also giving a clown that is with the purple. We are repurposing the tank. Could be a seahorse tank or a different coral species tank than before. We have those only 2 fish there and I was thinking to keep the clown, but......if you and your students are going to take care of him/her, I will be very happy.

If you can come today it will be easy to catch the purple fish because the tank just have a few small rocks that aren't in their final position.

Cheers again !!
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Thank you all for the support and assistance! NemoDan was generous to donate a pair of clowns and what looks to be a purple dottyback? All very healthy sizes compared to my previous bio load. I am going to monitor the tank but I am pretty sure it is as stocked as it can be.

Thank you again Dan
Fish123 Thank you very much for the offer!
Thank you all for the support and assistance! NemoDan was generous to donate a pair of clowns and what looks to be a purple dottyback? All very healthy sizes compared to my previous bio load. I am going to monitor the tank but I am pretty sure it is as stocked as it can be.

Thank you again Dan
Fish123 Thank you very much for the offer!

You are very Welcome !!!

I hope the students enjoy them. Let me know what they said.

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