low PH


I have costantly low PH 8.0 to 8.1.My Alk runs about 10 DKH,Calc 430.I drip Kalk
to replace evaporated water.Can I add some Baking Soda to Kalk drip to bring up just the PH?
Thanks skipp
Thats perfectly fine esp with that kind of ALK and CA.
My PH dip all the way to 7.8 at night but it rises to 8.2 during the day. I'm running a CA reactor though.
Baking soda is going to keep your pH right around 8.0
Add as much as you want, it won't raise the pH.

If you want to raise the pH, try using Arm & Hammer Washing Soda instead.
You can usually find it in the detergent aisle of your supermarket.

That'll raise the alk and raise the pH.
Washing soda will raise both Alk and PH. Washing soda is baking soda that has been baked. I have a calc reactor & drip a diluted mix of (1 tbsp/3gal) Kalc/water for make up water. every week I add a little Dow Flake and washing/Baking soda mix to tweek in the prameters.
By the way, Skipp, do you measure the pH after the lights have been on a while, then again after they've been off for a while?
It'd be interesting to see how the pH changes.
I have 2 electronic probes.I keep one in the tank all the time.I usually check it in the afternoon after the lights have been on about 4 hours.I keep the fuge lighted when the main tank lights are off. At that time PH drops to about 7.98
Yeah, my 55 used to do the same.
I found that pumping up the alkalinity kept the pH in the perfect target range.
According to Randy-Holmes Farley (who is speaking at our 10/1 meeting!), low ph can be caused by high CO2 in the environment where the tank is. One way to bring it up/keep it stable is to run an air tube from the air intake on your skimmer to the outside to bring fresh air into your skimmer. Here's a good article by Randy:


I have followed his advice (I run an airline from my skimmer to the outside) and my ph stays between 8.2 and 8.3.

I don't think you have a problem really...that swing is normal and your alk and calcium are in check...so if its not broke, dont fix it :)
this sounds fine to me.

If the ph is at 8.0 a few hours after the lights come on it's probablly right in the middle of a 7.9-8.2 swing. Have you checked it right before the lights go off?

Also if you don't frequently claibrate your PH probes with good calibration solution there is most likely some margin of error.
Well, in SPS corals the more calcification (growth) will take place as the pH gets to 8.4

But definitely calibrate the pH meter, and see where you're at.
Both of my meters are calibrated once a month.I did found a faulty probe and it has been replaced recently.Thanks for all the helpfull info.I guess I worry to much.